Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Inquiry Plan

Well, so far, so good!! I have been able to incorporate my exit slips into the end of classes very nicely. My students have been doing them for a week, today I was a minute or two late in passing them out and several of them brought it to my attention right away. I have also noticed a significant difference in the behaviors of the students in 3 of my classes. I think it is working out great so far.


  1. Funny how the kids keep you honest. I have always liked exit slips as a good way to get a pulse on the students. When you say you have noticed a difference in student behaviors what do you mean? How are the three classes responding differently? I am glad that you are pleased thus far.

  2. Kids don't forget anything! Well, at least non-academic things. :) Exit slips are great for you and the students to track progress...and they take very little time-even better!

  3. I am so glad to hear that your exit slips are going well. I do not do them daily but they are for sure something that I think helps in the classroom. I am so glad to be reading your information on doing them and I also look forward to watching your video. I think that the exit slips can really help us, as teachers, to know if our students understood the information we taught in class. I am glad to see it is working in your class and that the students also seems to enjoy them. Have a great night, Heidi Lindsay
